Download from official website
Note: The kernel can be used for E6603, but not tested.
Dual models won't work since there are some changes for dual SIM support.
You have to flash TWRP to recovery partition.
You can use bazhip's TWRP for now. (I'll build my own version later)
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
So, how to fix manually?
1. Download JoelDroid Lollipop Batch Deodexer
2. Copy your framework and priv-app dir in /system to PC (you can extract from FTF or your device)
3. We don't need to deodex all apps, so delete all dirs in priv-app other than CameraCommon
4. Delete arm dir in priv-app/CameraCommon dir
5. Deodex with JoelDroid Lollipop Batch Deodexer
6. Push deodexed CameraCommon.apk to system
By adb:
adb push CameraCommon.apk /data/local/tmp adb shell su busybox mount -o remount,rw /system dd if=/data/local/tmp/CameraCommon.apk of=/system/priv-app/CameraCommon/CameraCommon.apk chmod 644 /system/priv-app/CameraCommon/CameraCommon.apk rm -rf /system/priv-app/CameraCommon/arm rm -rf /system/priv-app/CameraCommon/arm64
When you installed Xposed at the first time, first two-three booting will be bootlooop, but it's needed for preparing (for now).
Just wait for normal boot.
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